Saturday, February 2, 2013

Principle of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

 Principles of Object oriented programming:
ü Objects:
                                            i.            Objects are basic runtime entities in an object oriented system.
                                          ii.            In Structured programming problem is divided into function unlike this, in OOPs the problem is divided into objects.


ü Class:
Language supports different data type like int, float, char, long, structure etc. Similar to that C++ supports class data type. A class data type contains variable and functions. They can be accessed through class variables (Objects).
For Ex:
Fruit is a class.
Then mango, orange will be objects of class.

ü Inheritance:
It is a process by which object of one class acquire the properties of object of another class. The concept of inheritance provides the idea of reusability. This means that we can add additional features to an existing class without modifying it. This is possible by deriving a new class from the existing once.
The new class will have the combined feature of both the classes.

ü Abstraction:
It is referred to the act of representing essential feature without including background detail or explanation. Class use the concept of abstraction and are defined as abstract attributes such as size, weight and cost.

ü Encapsulation:
The wrapping of data and functions into a single unit (class) is known as encapsulation.
The data is not accessible to outside world and those functions which are wrapped into the class can access it.
It is also known as data hiding.

ü Polymorphism:
It means use one thing in more than one form. Operator overloading & function overloading are examples of polymorphism.
·        Function Overloading:
The function name has more than one definition in a class according to arguments passed to a function.

·        Operator Overloading:
Uses predefined operators as function name and allow giving it new definition.


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